I KNOW great men and women. Benjamin Franklin and Mao Tse-tung are great men. You feel a sense of spiritual awakening by reading their work. Great men and women are distinguished through their image.
The US$100 note has the image of Benjamin Franklin. The note is held by someone who resembles the image portrayed by Benjamin Franklin. Holding a US$100 feels great; give it to someone who thinks you are great.
One Hundred Chinese Yuan has the image of the Chinese statesman Mao Tse-tung. Holding the banknote creates a perception. This note can make the shopping basket behave differently.
Through understanding the connection between branding and image, we can apply an image to money. Branding is linked to the image of money.
The characteristics of money with a correlation to elements of branding are that it is identifiable, widely acceptable, and easily recognisable.
Branding starts with a spark and ends with a fire. The common denomination in a firebrand and an image is light. Bright images reflect more light. Light is powerful and a source shining the brightness in relationships.
The study of branding, image and money is relative to the study of light. In photography, light is an essential element, as a key factor in capturing images. Branding and money are linked with the image.
Everything is branding as inversely all problems are caused by branding. The solution to solve branding issues and identity crises is to have a sense of belonging with a true self-image.
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A change in the local perception will make a difference in accepting the monetary policy of Zimbabwe.
The Brand Zimbabwe Initiative is a good starting point in Rebranding Zimbabwe. However, our focus must remain on the key metrics of trade, tourism and investment. In the economy, periodical brand audits are essential for all firms and every industry.
Branding is a problem, the results we desire for our economy is a reputable currency.
The solution to this problem is to introduce an image or a series of images in the minds of our stakeholders that will reaffirm our values. Benjamin Franklin portrayed the American Values through his image. Mao Tse-tung portrayed the Chinese values. How are Zimbabwean values portrayed? Are there any values that are Zimbabwean?
For us Zimbabweans to build an image, first we must change how we behave towards Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority has the correct affirmation, “I am Zimbabwean.”
The philosophy to build the national image begins with a self-image, I am Zimbabwean. Ubuntu teaches that peace begins with me, peace begins with you and peace begins with all of us. Your neighbour is a Zimbabwean. I am a Zimbabwean, you are a Zimbabwean, we are Zimbabweans.
Branding is not new to Zimbabwe. Since time immemorial in the local context brands were referred to as totems.
According to historical reports, during the period of totem-brands, this geographical territory recorded significant economic prosperity.
People have not connected branding and money. Rebranding is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end. The thought process that will transform our wallets is image based.
Image is something that must be identifiable, widely acceptable, and easily recognisable in the minds of all stakeholders.
When you look at someone, you either agree with their image or disapprove of that individual.
An image is a matching consensus and agreement that all parties accept. The basic rule to prospecting is to find leads most likely to accept your offer.
Our monetary problem is not lack but acceptance. When money is not acceptable, we check whether it is relatable, agreeable and recognisable. A solution is introducing the matching concept to the image of money.
- Chikwenhere is the author of Affirmative 21 Laws: How to confess. These weekly New Perspectives articles are coordinated by Lovemore Kadenge, independent consultant, past president of ZES and past president of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe now under a new name Chartered Governance and Accountancy Institute in Zimbabwe (CGI Zimbabwe). — [email protected] ormobile +263 772 382 852