Regulation has put Zim at transformation forefront

All importers of ICT products and services are required to obtain a valid import license.
By Jacob Mutisi Jul. 19, 2024

Leveraging After Action Review to drive strategy implementation

Although originally developed by the military, AAR has proven to be an invaluable tool across various industries for enhancing performance and achieving strategic objectives.
By Memory Nguwi Jul. 19, 2024

Steward Bank restructures amid digitalization initiatives

Mashavave added that the bank had put in place measures to ensure that the restructuring process would not disrupt normal banking operations for its customers and stakeholders.
By Gary Gerald Mtombeni Jul. 18, 2024

Hexco fails to pay examiners

The lectures said they had not signed contracts to mark the scripts.
By Kenneth Nyangani Jul. 18, 2024

Econet commissions over 30 sites for network expansion

Econet recently acquired the fintech business of sister company, EcoCash Holdings Zimbabwe.
By Melody Chikono Jul. 16, 2024

Byo Poly inks deal with Naminian college

The memorandum was signed at the Bulawayo Polytechnic on Wednesday, where the Namibian institution was represented by its executive director and co-founder, Elia Haufiku.
By Bongile Moyo Jul. 12, 2024

Fachs College Celebrates Milestone

The college now offers a range of accredited programs across 10 schools or faculties.
By Staff Reporter Jul. 9, 2024

Innovative Features South Africa VPN Must Incorporate to Combat Emerging Cyber Threats Effectively

The innovative post-quantum cryptography technology can withstand the computational power of quantum computers;
By Newsday Jul. 1, 2024

Liquid expands fibre network

This is in addition to 26 000 kilometres of fibre network across the country.
By Melody Chikono Jun. 28, 2024