Zinara renews commitment to fix roads

Addressing the 5th Zinara annual general meeting yesterday, Zinara chairperson George Manyaya said the era of bad corporate governance and corruption at the road authority was over.

By The Independent May. 5, 2022

Holding team in esteem

GOLF and tennis are very much individual sports. It is each man or woman for himself or herself. Week in, week out, the top players travel the world, accompanied by their support team, and compete in the full glare of the public eye, on stage, alone.

By The Independent Oct. 3, 2021

Holding team in esteem

GOLF and tennis are very much individual sports. It is each man or woman for himself or herself. Week in, week out, the top players travel the world, accompanied by their support team, and compete in the full glare of the public eye, on stage, alone.

By The Independent Oct. 3, 2021