AI in Zim: Addressing our concerns

AI is poised to augment human capabilities, enabling workers to focus on more creative, strategic, and value-added tasks, while automating the mundane.
By Naison Bangure Apr. 5, 2024

AI in Zim: Let’s engage together

Ethical implications are a primary concern surrounding AI, given its immense power.
By Naison Bangure Mar. 22, 2024

AI in Zim: The future is now

In agriculture, AI applications are enhancing crop yields through optimised irrigation, fertilisation and pest control, contributing to increased productivity and sustainability.
By Naison Bangure Mar. 15, 2024

Editor's Memo: No one is coming to save us

Pointedly, Manyika noted that his country had a way of embarrassing its own.
By Alfonce Mbizwo Mar. 8, 2024

Manyika appointed to Airbnb board

Manyika’s appointment to Airbnb, a firm valued at US$91,96 billion, was with immediate effect as the Zimbabwean born businessman joined eight other board members.
By Tatira Zwinoira Sep. 17, 2023