Using emotional intelligence in the workplace

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, technical skills (or hard skills) and qualifications are unquestionably crucial.
By Jonah Nyoni Mar. 30, 2024

Emotional intelligence imperative in supply chain management (II)

People with emotional intelligence collaborate easily because they recognise that the strength of individual differences is critical to making a whole.
By Charles Nyika Mar. 28, 2024

E-learning and e-motion

A number of years ago the concept of EQ was uncovered in the educational world and was seen by many to be far more accurate in determining future ‘success’ than its traditional ‘brother’ called IQ.
By Tim Middleton Mar. 10, 2024

Will artificial intelligent replace all HR functions.

Machines can’t compete with humans who have emotional intelligence — our ability to be aware of, control and express our emotions and the emotions of others.
By Emmanuel Zvada Aug. 1, 2023