Divine Insight: Hope currency for Zimbabwes' change

It’s acceptable for a Christian to feel anger, but the Bible advises not to let anger persist beyond a day.

Many people in Zimbabwe are currently experiencing hopelessness, and some in this situation are uncertain about what to do next. As I explained in last week’s article, it’s acceptable for a Christian to feel anger, but the Bible advises not to let anger persist beyond a day. Waiting for something that seems like it will never come to pass can lead to disappointment, disillusionment, and a loss of hope. While many people place their hope for the nation in politicians or man, the future of Zimbabwe lies not with politicians but with its people.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” The word “deferred” means “to put off,” signifying a prolonged situation or circumstance. A person can only maintain hope for a short time, but if a situation persists, it can erode their hope. However, being hopeless can lead one to make poor decisions. What has God said for His people of Zimbabwe? Isaac sowed during a season of famine and reaped a hundredfold, demonstrating that God doesn’t prosper individuals based on conditions but on His sovereignty. 

God’s plan for Zimbabwe is for the nation to prosper and for its people to flourish. However, this plan can only fully materialize if the people recognize that Zimbabwe is blessed, not cursed. Hopelessness is a challenging condition to  notice because it can be concealed well, and those afflicted often carry heavy hearts. When you speak to most people in the great nation of Zimbabwe, you’ll notice that some are affected by this ailment. Most are no longer hopeful that the situation can change in their nation, and some put on a brave face for their families and loved ones, but inside, they are broken.

Many had placed their hopes in the elections, but our hope should never rest solely on human systems. The future of Zimbabwe lies with its people, and political differences should not blind people to the need to work for the growth and development of the nation. Zimbabwe’s strength is not in its gold fields or farms but in the hearts and resilience of its people. The greatest gift God gave the nation of Zimbabwe is its people, the hardworking man and woman  of that nation.

In conclusion, amidst Zimbabwe’s challenges, hope remains the primary tool for positive change. Beyond overwhelming emotions, hope embodies the resilience needed to endure adversity. The story of Isaac illustrates prosperity during a seemingly hopeless time, and the key catalyst was obedience to God. Zimbabwe’s destiny lies in the unity and determination of its people, not solely in politics or external factors. We must also recognize that our nation is blessed, and we have never been cursed. It’s time for Zimbabweans to awaken to their strength. Shall we see our nation rise to become the Jewel She was destined to be not only in Africa but in the world

Political differences should not obscure the shared goal of national growth. Zimbabwe’s true wealth lies in its people, united in spirit and resolve. Hope is the key to our future and must bind us together. We should sow the seeds of hope and realize Zimbabwe’s full potential, for hope is the currency of change, promising a brighter future. God Bless Zimbabwe and her people and let God’s blessing manifest in all the sectors of the nation. #arisezimbabwe.

  •  Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com

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