POLITICS in Zimbabwe reads like, ‘whatever!’ But whatever is only a strong word in the cultural sense. I am going to stick with the cultural version of the game metaphor because I teach entertainment law to myself.
There is always this moment when we beat the game and come back for more, creating a kaleidoscopic metaphor that transforms a little bit. If you get my point, then, congratulations, you feel spiritually intriguing.
The 2023 Zimbabwe elections remind me of the Final Season of the movie, Attack on the Titan, a manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama and published by Kodansha from September 2009 to April 2021. The focus on the concentric walls resonates well with Zimbabwe’s politics, economics, and ethnicities.
It is no longer about the movie, House of Cards, or that book, House of Hunger, or other issues like waiting for the rain, and so forth, but spiritual war in the concentric zones: Wall-Sina, Wall-Rose, and Wall-Maria.
It seemed the spiritual dimension has already abandoned Wall-Maria owing to the dynamics in the giant field. The giant field is already dictating what is happening in the human field. We glean from the series that, about 995 years before year 1, the Eldian tribe knew that Ymir knew ‘the paths.’
Nine hundred and ninety-five years before year 1 would refer to a time before the walls were built and humanity was still vulnerable to titan attacks. This could be equated to the ‘gwara raKurumbi/Chinyazhara’, a constellation of stars we see in Zimbabwe’s unique skies every night.
For me who grew up in the village, I know chinyazhara is preceded by chinyamutanhatu, a group of six stars. We used to see the six stars when we were brewing beer just before midnight. The six stars would set ‘panguva rufambavaroyi,’ when witches were flying back to their places.
Back to the Eldian tribe, the knowledge about the paths was passed down through generations and was deeply ingrained in their culture and history.
- 2023 elections very spiritual
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Fast forward to Zimbabwe's 2023 elections, and we see a similar situation where politics is not just about physical territory but also has a spiritual dimension that is deeply rooted in the culture and history of the people.
There is a Baradzano theory and the Botedzi theory about Zimbabwe’s spiritual history. The Baradzano theory is about the great separation from Guruuswa. The Botedzi theory is that when Musikavanhu, the Creator, created the realms and dimensions of territories, he tasked Makombwe to travel around the world creating territories.
He would create mhondoro dzemvura nedzamasango, water and forest mediums to apportion territories to different people. Zimbabwe’s spiritual
people believe that the Botedzi or homwe, is indwelt by the Gombwe or Angels that are in harmony with it. This is different from demon possession or oppression where the spirits are not in harmony with the indwelt person.
The 2023 elections have gone spiritual, deeply spiritual. The "Nyika ine vene vayo" slogan is a case in point. I wish to discuss the shrinking of human territory, the human field, and the foremost wall, as well as the role of Ymir Fritz in building the titans in the paths.
Furthermore, I want to explore the political implications of voter apathy and the spiritual significance of the "Nyika ine vene vayo" slogan. On the surface, it may seem like a meaningless phrase in customary politics.
However, spiritually, it suggests that the bodies of Makombwe and Mhondoro are present in the paths.
This illustrates the idea that politics in Zimbabwe is not just about political parties but is also about powerful spiritual forces that shape the political landscape.
Additionally, I want to highlight the presence of Ackermans, who possess higher physical abilities than the average human, and the spiritual hierarchy that governs Zimbabwean politics. One such force is the presence of Ackermans, who possess higher physical abilities than the average human.
This could represent the spiritual hierarchy that governs Zimbabwean politics. The Botedzi or Gombwe know that Musikavanhu has a great titan war built around colossus titans: Maria, Rose, and Sina. This suggests that politics in Zimbabwe is not just about physical strength but also about powerful spiritual forces that shape the political landscape.
By the way, I studied Sigmund Freud. I was terrified by the dream of fury in the villa and a voice of the ancients shouting, ‘First among Equals.’ Please do not laugh, take my dream seriously, although I love philosophy and society, and hate religion, politics, and linear thoughts.
The dream about fury in the villa suggests that there is a sense of animosity and frustration among the people, which could manifest in the plebiscite. The first among equals could be a reference to the need for a leader who is not just a figurehead but someone who is truly committed to serving the people and upholding the values of the nation.
The voice was saying, ‘Zimbabwe is a country they want, but it should be the Jewel nation they need.’
The internment zones such as the giant and human field, mankind’s territory and the foremost wall created by the distinguished master guardian of the titans could be interpreted as a metaphor for the boundaries that separate different groups in Zimbabwean society, including those 16 official languages that are listed by the Constitution. Because the constitution does not give any right to a language but some official recognition of 16 languages, the intermittent boundaries created in the intermittent zones and the Constitution of Zimbabwe could be based on race, ethnicity, class, or political affiliation.
In this case, before we quote the late Samora Machel’s statement, “Tribe must die,” we should know that the Shona have a popular saying, “gombwe harisvikirwi,” pointing to the fact that guardian angels or their Botedzi cannot be invited.
This is why the Nyaminyami survives in metaphysical space, called the paths, inhabited by the voice. The voice gives territories to whomever it wants. The presence of these boundaries underscores the fragility of the political system in Zimbabwe and the need for unity and inclusivity to overcome them.
The attack on the titan using mankind's territory, the giant field, and the foremost wall in Attack on Titan can be seen as an analogy for Zimbabwe's shrinking human field.
The human field represents the space in which politics takes place, and it has been shrinking due to factors such as voter apathy, political violence, and economic hardship. Do not forget, I think some time ago, was it Professor Jonathan Moyo who wrote a book, Voting for Democracy.
Someone had written something about Voting for Change before. This has made it difficult for people to engage in the political process and has led to a sense of helplessness and despair. The timeline for the next events is unknown. Ask me why? Around year 240 before year 1, an epidemic broke out and rapidly killed the population.
But the power of the founding titan was used by the king of Elda to alter the biology of the subjects of Ymir, so that none of them dies of the epidemic.
This created people with the honorary title, Honorary Marleyans who were chosen to inherit the titan powers. All paths are beyond the Paradis who wander at how the deviant Eldians are turned into pure titans and left to wander around the island.
And in 850, Marley sent the colossus, armoured, female and jaw titans to
attack Paradis. I do not why the show starts when the colossus titan breaks wall Maria. I would have loved to see why those who stay in the intermittent zones were wearing armbands.
In terms of the 2023 elections, it is unclear who will win in both the customary and spiritual eyes. What I can say with certainty is that Machiavellian politicians who seek to manipulate and exploit the people for their own gain are unlikely to succeed.
Instead, the people of Zimbabwe need leaders who are honest, compassionate, and committed to serving the greater good. The spiritual dimension of Zimbabwean politics should not be ignored. It is a reminder that politics is not just about power and control but also about values and principles.
The people of Zimbabwe need leaders who understand this and are committed to upholding these values and principles. Under the incumbent president, the paths and the ‘nyika ine vene vayo’ could represent the spiritual forces that will guide his campaign.
Meanwhile, under Nelson Chamisa, Christianity, and God, under the monicker, ‘God is in it,’ could be seen as the spiritual forces that will guide his campaign. Both candidates must be careful not to ignore the spiritual dimension of politics and must ensure that their campaigns are guided by values of unity, inclusivity, and compassion. And it seems the forces control the behaviour of the supporters and political events big time.
The presence of spoilers in Zimbabwe's political landscape adds another layer of complexity to the upcoming elections. Spoilers are political actors who seek to disrupt or derail the electoral process for their own gain. They could be former candidates, interest groups, or even foreign actors who seek to influence the outcome of the elections.
Spoilers thrive in environments where there is political uncertainty, economic hardship and social unrest. It is, therefore, important for the people of Zimbabwe to be aware of these actors and to be vigilant in protecting their democratic rights.
It may be difficult to draw a direct link between the events in the Attack on Titan universe and a current election in Zimbabwe in 2023, as these are two very different contexts.
The election, however, represents a vulnerable moment for the country, as it must navigate a complex political landscape and ensure that the democratic process is upheld.
However, by working together and demonstrating strength in the face of adversity, Zimbabwe can emerge from this moment with a renewed sense of purpose and resilience.
In conclusion, Zimbabwe's 2023 elections are a crucial moment in the country's history, with important political and spiritual implications. By drawing on the analogies from Attack on Titan, we can gain insights into the complex nature of Zimbabwean politics and the challenges that lie ahead.
The key to success in these elections lies in unity, inclusivity, and a commitment to the greater good, rather than the narrow interests of a few. Goodness is the only investment that pays.
Hofisi is a lawyer, conversationalist and transdisciplinary researcher. He has interests in governance and international law. — [email protected].