Arthur Mutambara
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ZEC's Delimitation Report: Understanding the Import of the Arithmetic of Section 161 (6) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe
The Mangoma and Veritas interventions are saying the same thing. These two positions are essentially correct.
By Arthur Mutambara
Jan. 10, 2023
Artificial intelligence and robotics: Great expectations and daunting existential risks
This capability is in contrast to the natural intelligence manifested by humans and other animals.
By Arthur Mutambara
May. 6, 2023
Of insecure sycophants, falsified intelligence
Next, use this local currency to buy – through your connections at RBZ or your links with the political establishment — the rare US dollars at the official rate and produce US$100 000.
By Arthur Mutambara
Aug. 4, 2023
Liberation struggle: Zanu PF’s modus operandi
For the Zanu PF functionaries to dish out these charges against Mugabe after havingworked with him as their leader for 40years, from 1977 to 2017, is beyond absurd.
By Arthur Mutambara
Aug. 18, 2023
Dynamics of the GNU principals’ meetings
The worst aspect of the prime minister’s advisers is that they give him complete documents to read in our meeting of only three principals.
By Arthur Mutambara
Aug. 25, 2023
Africa must have a new strategic approach to China
In our bilateral discussions, we cover a broad range of issues.
By Arthur Mutambara
Sep. 1, 2023
Adoption of the 2013 Constitution of Zim
The fourth phase is completed by the agreement of January 17 2013, discussed above.
By Arthur Mutambara
Sep. 15, 2023
Politics of ethnicity: Jumping from the pan into the fire
“This was the Zezuru position after all the Zanu infighting in Zambia, which led to Herbert Chitepo’s death on March 18 1975.
By Arthur Mutambara
Sep. 22, 2023
Nationalists and their sordid escapades
According to Bhebhe, Tekere and Nkala were always feuding and insulting each other ad nauseam.
By Arthur Mutambara
Sep. 29, 2023
Mugabe, Zipa and Mujuru
Beyond the tribalism predilection, the Zipa commanders have other serious reservations about Mugabe as a leader.
By Arthur Mutambara
Oct. 6, 2023
Tongogara and Mugabe: The fallout
In the main conference meetings, he does not toe the line and sometimes challenges Mugabe’s averments.
By Arthur Mutambara
Oct. 20, 2023
Mugabe versus Solomon Mujuru (Part I)
Gumbo is critical of Tongogara’s brutal methods, and his wielding more power (through the defence department) than the central committee.
By Arthur Mutambara
Oct. 27, 2023
Mugabe versus Solomon Mujuru (Part II)
Was Mugabe waiting for a strategic opportunity — a Machiavellian moment — to strike during the stability of the GNU (government of national unity)?
By Arthur Mutambara
Nov. 3, 2023
Persuading Mugabe to write his memoirs
On our flight back from Angola, we are joined by Emmerson Mnangagwa — minister of defence — who (as explained earlier) is away in Luanda when Mujuru is killed.
By Arthur Mutambara
Nov. 10, 2023
On Emmerson Mnangagwa
Mugabe’s description of Emmerson’s ascendancy is a clinical and correct narration of what transpired, uncoloured by these later events.
By Arthur Mutambara
Nov. 17, 2023
AWS: The dark side of AI (I)
Autonomous weapons systems (AWS) consist of combat equipment or technology that can identify, target, and engage the enemy without human intervention.
By Arthur Mutambara
Apr. 5, 2024
AWS: The dark side of AI (II)
The unrestrained race for AI supremacy among Chinese, Russian and United States researchers does not augur well for cooperation.
By Arthur Mutambara
Apr. 12, 2024
Developing and adpoting A1
Each basic infrastructure listed above is critical in supporting sustainable socio-economic development and technological innovation.
By Arthur Mutambara
Apr. 19, 2024
Developing and adopting AI (II)
Countries and organisations must not put the cart before the horse when developing and adopting AI.
By Arthur Mutambara
May. 3, 2024

Nyambirai in dramatic Steward Bank takeover
Local News
By Shame Makoshori and Freeman Makopa
Feb. 14, 2025