Leveraging After Action Review to drive strategy implementation

Although originally developed by the military, AAR has proven to be an invaluable tool across various industries for enhancing performance and achieving strategic objectives.
By Memory Nguwi Jul. 19, 2024

Regulation has put Zim at transformation forefront

All importers of ICT products and services are required to obtain a valid import license.
By Jacob Mutisi Jul. 19, 2024

Steward Bank restructures amid digitalization initiatives

Mashavave added that the bank had put in place measures to ensure that the restructuring process would not disrupt normal banking operations for its customers and stakeholders.
By Gary Gerald Mtombeni Jul. 18, 2024

Fachs College Celebrates Milestone

The college now offers a range of accredited programs across 10 schools or faculties.
By Staff Reporter Jul. 9, 2024

Strategies for Zim businesses to expand

A major disadvantage of licensing is that it is difficult for the firm providing the technology to ensure quality control in the foreign production process.
By Batanai Matsika Jun. 21, 2024

MERICS report claims Chinese investments in Europe in 2023 fell to the lowest in 13 years

China’s lacklustre growth in the post-Covid period has weakened the financial footing of many Chinese firms, as per the report.
By Financial Post Jun. 17, 2024

Using IT to rehabilitate Zim’s prisoners

Traditionally, rehabilitation efforts in Zimbabwe's prisons have focused on vocational training, counseling, and basic education programs.
By Jacob Mutisi Jun. 14, 2024

SADC PF calls for child-friendly policies to keep children in school

She reiterated the need for national parliaments to provide oversight on the implementation of Article 11 of the African Children’s Charter relating to the human right to education.
By Moses Magadza Jun. 12, 2024

African Sun sets aside US$11m in capex for 2024

This comes as African Sun is anticipating positive yields on the growing demand for meetings, incentives, conferencing and events business as well as several high-profile events.
By Tatira Zwinoira Jun. 12, 2024