My Dear People
The visit by Ngwena to Equatorial Guinea a fortnight ago was an eye opener and laid to rest any doubts that the octogenarian has any democratic trait in his being.
One only needs to see how excited he was when fellow dictator and Equatorial Guinea leader Teodoro Obiang Nguema more or less told him to stay in power by fair or foul means.
“You cannot be in power and lose an election. Use the power you have to win the election.
“The opposition might make noise and say whatever, but when you are in power, you cannot lose an election. Make sure you win the election,” the man who holds the unenviable record of being the world’s longest serving ruler told Ngwena.
The Lacoste cabal leader giggled like an excited teenager going on a first date when he heard that.
This is exactly what he wanted to hear, the validation of his crackdown on opposition and civic society which includes locking up Job without trial for more than half a year.
Indeed one cannot help suspect that the residential villa Ngwena received from Nguema was a reward for the brutal tactics he is using to throttle democracy and violate human rights.
- Mr President, you missed the opportunity to be the veritable voice of conscience
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After all Nguema has mastered the art of dictatorship to romp to victory with 95% of the vote in the last election in that country with most of the remaining 5% probably being spoilt papers.
What better companion could Ngwena ask for especially after he in comparison ‘won’ the 2018 presidential election by a squeaky bum 50, 6%?
The admission by Ngwena that the officials he sends to weed out land barons are actually themselves corrupt has surprised no one given that sleaze and graft are the characteristics of the so-called second repubric in the new dispensation of poverty and darkness.
Speaking at the official opening of Aspindale Park and Aspire Heights Development in Harare last week, Ngwena said, without any sense of embarrassment, that the land barons that have been duping desperate home seekers of their hard-earned cash were top government officials who should be seen helping in the fight against such avarice.
“I have realised that the people I send to solve the issue of land barons are also involved.
“They cannot arrest themselves because they are thieves,” he said.
To those who think that these remarks will lead to several arrests of the so-called corrupt government officials, I say munopenga!!!.
If someone can go scot free after being caught red-handed with a bar of gold at the airport, what more unnamed officials?
As proved by the inefficiency of the toothless and cash strapped Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission and the failure by Ngwena’s administration to take action on the graft reported by the Auditor General’s office year in year out, the fight against corruption is nothing more than an empty slogan.
Joji is at it again!!
This time his ire is against the story and comment run by NewsDay on the calls by the United Nations rapporteurs who warned Ngwena against signing into law the draconian Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO) Amendment Bill.
He claimed the disapproval did not come from the global body, but “opinions of little rapporteurs who seem not to understand their roles and procedures”.
Ironically there was nothing little about the UN rapporteur Alena Douhan on the negative impact of sanctions imposed by the United States on allegations of human rights abuses.
In fact, it was embraced as a strong message by the UN to remove sanctions.
It seems the size and importance of UN rapporteurs is determined by whether the messages they are communicating are what Joji and his ilk want to hear.
Oh the stinking hypocrisy of it all.
With the likes of Joji advising Ngwena it is little wonder why the country remains isolated from the rest of the globe with the exception of similarly inclined despots and crooks of course kkkk.
Still on the issue of irony, Ngwena had the temerity to warn Harare mayor Jacob on poor service delivery at the official opening of Aspindale Park and Aspire Heights Development in Harare last week.
“Is Jacob Mafume here? This time we are going to take control of the councils in the coming elections.
“The councils have failed to collect refuse and potholes are everywhere.
“Local authorities are reminded that the provision of often interlinked and functional facilities remains imperative,” he said.
This is rich coming from Ngwena who has superintended over an economic decline and increased poverty since he was catapulted into power by guns and tanks.
Since he treacherously booted out Gushungo, inflation has galloped to more than 200%, the Zimbabwe dollar continues to lose value so much so that his administration is now paying part of its workers’ salaries in hard currency, power outages have increased to up to 18 hours daily, more than 2,2 million youths are jobless and nearly half the country is facing starvation.
We have not even started mentioning the disastrous state of the health sector, which has seen hospitals become death traps.
So much of looking at the speck in Jacob’s eye with a log in his.
Gushungo Chete Chete!
Chatunga Chete Chete!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)